Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Resource Center (IHLRC)

Projekt abgeschlossen

SDC Program in the oPt supports Diakonia's International Humanitarian Law Resource Centre (IHLRC) catering to t demand for accurate, objective and principled legal analysis on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in the oPt, and makes it accessible to Third States and other parties, whose policies and international aid improve compliance with international law. This intervention is in line with the Swiss Foreign Policy in the Region and SDC Cooperation Strategy 2015-2018 that aims to promote respect for International Law, to ensure protection by all duty-bearers of the rights of the Palestinian population.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Besetztes Palästinensisches Gebiet
Konflikt & Fragilität
Konfliktprävention und -transformation
Menschenrechte (inkl. Frauenrechte)
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016
CHF  432’380

In the West Bank including East Jerusalem, expansion of Israeli settlements, ongoing forced displacement of Palestinian population (especially out of Area C), unlawful route of the Separation Wall, failure to ensure provision of social services and economic prospects to the protected population have resulted in economic de-development, a profound sense of alienation and despair especially among young people. Humanitarian and development situation in Gaza Strip has descended into appalling conditions since the end of the war in 2014 due to the closure and a stumbling reconstruction process, leading to high aid dependency (70% of the Gazan population has become dependent on humanitarian assistance). Palestinian intra-factional violence and division contributes to turning the conflict into a "justice crisis", characterized by absence of accountability and wide spread impunity for violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)


To contribute to strengthening compliance with International Humanitarian Law and related international law through emphasis on national capacities and sustainability, as well as third State and party responsibility, including multilateral organizations and private sector actors.


Internationally and locally based stakeholders will mainly encompass humanitarian and development actors, private sector, diplomatic community (third-states and parties such as the EU), the UN, the PA, local civil society, media as well as businesses investing in the oPt

Mittelfristige Wirkungen

The activities during this bridging phase will contribute to achieve the following results:

Outcome 1: Capacity and Shaping Policies and Programming:

1.1. Improved knowledge of IHL violations and obligations among key stakeholders (e.g. local partners, PA/PLO, civil society, diplomatic community, UN, and private sector) by mainstreaming IHL/IHRL and derivative humanitarian principles into policies and operations.

1.2. State, regional and international organization representatives are engaged and influenced to effectively incorporate IHL principles and analysis into their work, setting the framework for the bilateral and multilateral responses in line with IHL, and reinforcing the principled IHL position in relation to Israel and Palestine.

Outcome 2: Monitoring and Analysis:

2.1. Improved knowledge of IHL violations against vulnerable groups and improved knowledge about the use of accountability and compliance mechanisms.


Erwartete Resultate:  

  1. Enhanced awareness of, and respect for, IHL among key stakeholders with special focus on third State and party responsibility, local authorities, private sector actors and multilateral organizations.
  2. Increased discussions in strategic opinion shaping and decision-making fora incorporating information, analysis or policy advice from the IHLRC.
  3. UN agencies, humanitarian actors and international and local NGOs, including through the cluster-system, have used and/or included IHL in their programs, communications material, public statements or published reports.
  4. Local partners have improved their knowledge about, and adopted IHL monitoring tools including disaggregated data on vulnerable groups (notably women, children and disabled people), thereby better capturing the impact of conflict and trends in implementation of IHL and protection compliance.

Resultate von früheren Phasen:  

  1. Successfully produced and published a total of 18 legal briefs, 8 expert opinions, and two legal reports, along with informal briefs and newsletters on IHL related matters upon requests.
  2. Over 500 legal and policy consultations and advisory services were provided to various actors.
  3. About 170 education and awareness-raising presentations delivered targeting diplomats, parliamentarians, Governmental officials, AIDA members, European networks and media benefiting more than 1000 people.
  4. Hosted and conducted 19 trainings on IHL related matters, attended by about 600 people targeting AIDA members (INGOs), EU-delegation, EU member states & Human rights partners.
  5. In 2014 started to host IHL Breakfast Briefings on key topics related to IHL aimed at diplomats (10 breakfast briefings were conducted in 2014/2015 attended by over 200 diplomats).
  6. Successfully implemented 7 parliamentary, 1 investors and 1 Journalists delegations (Danish, Polish, Swedish and Swiss), and facilitated visits for a number of delegations with European stakeholders.
  7. IHLRC conducted two- parts in-depth training to its partners on monitoring standards and techniques to integrate gender, age and disability perspectives in information gathering, questioning and interviewing, that affect the humanitarian actors and response. A manual document was developed and circulated to all partners organizations for reference.
  8. In close cooperation with Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), IHLRC successively influenced the debate on the planning issue in area C, which further led to a UN Secretary General statement to the illegality of the planning regime and its inadequacy to protect the civilian population

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Kreditbereich Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Internationale oder ausländische NGO
  • Andere internationale oder ausländische NGO Norden

Andere Partner

Donors: Sida and UNDP

IHL Partners: Israeli and Palestinian NGOs

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

Close coordination and strong synergies with Human Rights and IHL Secretariat, AIDA, OCHA and the Humanitarian Country Team, esp. OHCHR-Ied Protection Cluster

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    432’380 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    389’668 Projekttotal seit Anfangsphase Schweizer Beitrag CHF   2’988’000 Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF   5’000’000
Projektphasen Phase 3 01.01.2017 - 30.11.2021   (Completed)

Phase 2 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2015   (Completed)