Financial assistance for maintaining moveable Ukrainian cultural property

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Local news, 25.01.2024

The cultural heritage of Ukraine is under severe threat of destruction, looting and illegal transfer due to the Russian military attack. Applications for the 2024 submission period regarding financial assistance to protect moveable Ukrainian cultural property are to be submitted latest by 31 May 2024 and prior to executing the intended project. After that, a decision will be made and funding will be provided by 31 December.

 The following two types of financial assistance may be granted:

  • Financial assistance for museums or similar institutions in Switzerland: for the temporary fiduciary custody and conservational supervision of endangered cultural property from Ukraine (TYPE A). Financial assistance amounts to a maximum of CHF 100,000 per year. Financial assistance may amount to a maximum of 50 percent of asserted costs. 
  • Financial assistance for projects run by international organisations, institutions or private bodies: to maintain Ukraine’s cultural heritage, with a focus on projects that aim to prevent the destruction or theft of cultural property on the ground in Ukraine (TYPE B). Financial assistance amounts to a maximum of CHF 100,000 in the form of a one-time flat-rate contribution per project. Financial assistance may amount to a maximum of 50 percent of asserted costs. 

The financial assistance is granted in accordance with art. 14 para. 1 let. a and b of the Cultural Property Transfer Act (CPTA, SR 444.1).

Applications are to be sent via post or email and by using the following «Application Forms Financial Assistance» to the Specialised Body for the International Transfer of Cultural Property. 

You can find all documents and applications following the link. 

For additional information

Specialised Body for the International Transfer of Cultural Property
Phone +41 58 462 03 25