ILO: New agreement on development cooperation

Press releases, 01.04.2021

On 1 April, President Guy Parmelin received Mr Guy Ryder, the Director-General of the International Labour Organization ILO. In the presence of employers' and workers' associations, they signed Switzerland's new agreement on development cooperation with the ILO. Mr Parmelin also announced that Switzerland had joined Alliance 8.7, a global platform to eliminate child labour, forced labour and human trafficking.

The agreement sets out Switzerland's strategic priorities for joint development cooperation activities and is intended to ensure that Switzerland’s policy is coherent with that of the ILO and its programmes. It lends detail to the strategy adopted by Switzerland and the social partners in 2013 with respect to the ILO.

The newly signed agreement replaces that of 2016. The new agreement takes into account the changing context of development cooperation, namely the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the ILO's ‘Centennial Declaration on the Future of Work’, and the global employment crisis resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, Mr Parmelin announced that Switzerland had joined Alliance 8.7. This global platform (named in reference to Target 8.7 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda) aims to share knowledge, encourage greater cooperation and advance appropriate measures in the areas of child labour, forced labour and human trafficking. As a new partner country, Switzerland is fulfilling a promise it made during the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.

During their bilateral talks ILO Director-General Guy Ryder and President Guy Parmelin discussed further steps regarding technical cooperation in the fight against child labour, forced labour and human trafficking, as well as in overcoming the global employment crisis.

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