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Ignazio Cassis on official visit to Croatia

12.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis paid an official visit to Croatia today. He was received by his counterpart, Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman. The meeting focused on bilateral relations, Swiss–EU relations and the geopolitical context.

Launch of the Horizon Europe project HEATWISE: Computers heat buildings

11.04.2024 — Press releases Europa
Zero heat waste: This is the goal of a dozen European companies and research institutions, including Empa, in the Horizon Europe project HEATWISE. The focus is on buildings with extensive IT loads. All waste heat from these systems is to be integrated and utilized in the buildings.

State Secretary Martina Hirayama visits Poland with science delegation

11.04.2024 — Press releases Europa
On 9 and 10 April, Martina Hirayama, State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation (ERI), met with Polish government representatives in Warsaw. She opened the kick-off event of the Polish-Swiss research and innovation programme. The visit to Warsaw will strengthen bilateral relations between Switzerland and Poland in the ERI sector.

Horizon package: Federal Council to finance transitional measures in 2024

10.04.2024 — Press releases Europa
On 10 April, the Federal Council decided on transitional measures for the 2024 calls for proposals under the European Union's Horizon package 2021-2027 (Horizon Europe, Euratom programme, ITER and Digital Europe Programme). A maximum amount of CHF 650 million has been set aside for this purpose. This allocation is drawn from funding earmarked by Parliament at the end of 2020 for Switzerland's participation in the Horizon package. The Federal Council remains committed to achieving Swiss association to the Horizon package as soon as possible.

Swiss life satisfaction is highest in Europe – yet inequalities persist

26.03.2024 — Press releases Europa
In European comparison, life satisfaction in Switzerland is consistently high and in 2022 was the highest of all European countries. The overall standard of living also remained high in European comparison. However, almost one in ten people had difficulty making ends meet and 4.9% of the population had to go without important goods, services and social activities for financial reasons. The poverty rate was 8.2%. These are some of the findings from the 2022 Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

President Amherd and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen open negotiations between Switzerland and the EU

18.03.2024 — Press releases EDA
On Monday, 18 March, President Viola Amherd and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen officially opened negotiations between Switzerland and the European Union (EU) in the presence of the chief negotiators from both sides. While in Brussels, Ms Amherd also met with Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice President of the European Commission. In addition to bilateral relations between Switzerland and the EU, geopolitical and security policy challenges facing Europe were also discussed.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis to travel to East Africa

14.03.2024 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will travel to Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya from 17 to 22 March 2024. Discussions will focus on bilateral relations and regional geopolitical issues. Possible avenues for a peace process in Ukraine will also be explored. The Greater Horn of Africa is one of the most dynamic regions in the world, but is also one of the most fragile and severely affected by conflict. Mr Cassis will meet with the presidents and foreign ministers of all three countries. A meeting is also scheduled with the chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission. The AU joined the G20 earlier this year.

Swiss–EU relations: Federal Council approves definitive negotiating mandate

08.03.2024 — Press releases EDA
At its meeting on 8 March 2024, the Federal Council approved the negotiating mandate with the EU in its definitive form. The mandate adopted takes account of the results of the consultation with the foreign affairs committees (FACs) and other interested parliamentary committees, the cantons and the views of the social and economic partners. Negotiations will begin as soon as the European Commission has adopted its own definitive mandate, expected sometime in March 2024.

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