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Object 685 – 691 of 691

Cross-border Commuter Statistics for 4th quarter 2012 – Continued increase in cross-border commuters

04.03.2013 — Press releases Europa

Neuchâtel, According to the Cross-border Commuter Statistics of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), the number of foreign cross-border commuters working in Switzerland rose by 4.8% last year. In the Lake Geneva region and in Northwestern Switzerland, about one in ten employed persons is a cross-border commuter; in Ticino, the figure is one in four. Comparing the numbers over a five-year period, there has been an above-average increase among office workers, unskilled workers and managers.

Continuing successful participation in EU Framework Programmes

27.02.2013 — Press releases Europa

Berne, The Federal Council has referred to parliament two dispatches on funding for Swiss participation in the EU Framework Programmes in the areas of Research and Innovation on the one hand, and education, training, youth and sport on the other. The former is intended to give researchers in Switzerland continued access to the second most significant source of public funding and to the European research network. The second dispatch is designed to continue the mobility opportunities of students in education, training and on youth and sport courses. The total budget set in both dispatches is approximately 4.7 billion Swiss francs (including reserves) for the years 2014 to 2020. Their approval by parliament will allow the Federal Council to conduct negotiations with the EU on renewing both bilateral agreements.

Swiss project achieves FET Flagship status

28.01.2013 — Press releases Europa

Bern, In the drive to secure EU research funding, Switzerland has achieved a leading position in the area of Future and Emerging Technologies. For Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, this confirms the strength of the Swiss education, research and innovation model. Research groups from both of Switzerland’s federal institutes of technology were involved in five (as project leaders in three) of the six FET Flagship project proposals that reached the final phase of the selection process. The EPFL’s “Human Brain Project” was one of the two projects chosen. Starting in 2013, this project will receive substantial FP7 and FP8 funding over a ten-year period.

Statistik 2012: Anstieg der Asylgesuche – Zunahme der Erledigungen und Ausreisen

22.01.2013 — Press releases Europa

Bern - Im Jahr 2012 wurden 28 631 Asylgesuche in der Schweiz eingereicht, was einer Zunahme um 27 % gegenüber 2011 entspricht. Es wurden mehr Asylgesuche erledigt, wobei die erstinstanzlichen Erledigungen um 28 % zunahmen. Auch bei den Ausreisen war ein deutlicher Anstieg zu verzeichnen: Die kontrollierten Ausreisen auf freiwilliger Basis nahmen um 84 % zu, die Rückführungen in die Herkunfts- und Drittländer sowie in die Dublin-Staaten um 22 %.

Bilateral relations at the heart of foreign economic policy

09.01.2013 — Press releases Europa

Bern, 09.01.2013 - On 9 January 2013 the Federal Council approved the 2012 Foreign Economic Policy Report. The report's main topic focusing on the importance of border regions from a business location and foreign economic policy perspective reaffirms the intention of the Federal Council to strengthen cross-border cooperation in border regions. The Federal Council regards such cooperation as vital to good relations both with Switzerland's neighbouring states and the European Union. Further progress has been made on free trade agreements with non-EU countries. In the year under review, issues relating to sustainability and raw materials continued to assume greater importance in foreign economic policy. Moreover, the strategic focus and financial basis for international development cooperation were confirmed.

Federal Council approves the 2012 Foreign Policy Report

09.01.2013 — Press releases Europa
At its meeting on 9 January 2013, the Federal Council approved the 2012 Foreign Policy Report. The report provides an overview on all aspects of Swiss foreign policy and gives an account of Switzerland’s most important foreign policy activities in 2012. It is structured to address the Federal Council’s foreign policy strategy for the period 2012-2015. In addition, it deals with the priority question of Switzerland’s relations with its neighbouring states.

Object 685 – 691 of 691

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