
Mixed Migration and Protection/ Integration System Support Project
Mixed Migration and Protection/ Integration System Support Project ©SDC

What is the goal?

Institutions in Serbia, national and local, address in an appropriate way their migration challenges, and make the best possible use of the potential of migration.

What shall be achieved?

The Swiss–Serbian migration partnership, with a flexible set of initiatives in line with the Swiss Migration Strategic Framework for the Western Balkans 2020–23, will continue following the proven Whole-of-Government Approach. Likewise, the presence of the global programme for migration and development with a specific project component in Serbia will be maintained.

Resources: CHF 2 million

Migration has increased and become more complex as a result of globalization. The SDC aims to make the most of the positive aspects of migration, while containing its negative implications. Migration can drive development if it is included in a controlled and targeted way in development strategies.

The SDC's worldwide engagement