partnering up with diaspora to bring their know-how, skills, networks and investments to BiH.
providing professional assistance to BiH citizens who are returning to their homes.
improving border security and introducing a modern migration information system.
Switzerland’s response to migration crisis in BiH, January 2019
The Red Cross of the Federation of BiH, supported by Switzerland, provided food to migrants in Bihać.
Migration Crisis in BiH
About 5,000 migrants, including families with children currently residing in Bosnia and Herzegovina are exposed to multiple social and protection risks. This number and harsh winter conditions have created a serious challenge for a small country with limited accommodation and financial capacities.
Based on the needs identified by the Embassy of Switzerland, the Swiss Government supports several humanitarian projects targeting the stranded migrants as well as the local population. The aim is to provide them with clean water access, food and basic healthcare.
The projects are financed by the Humanitarian Aid Department of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the State Secretariat for Migration.
Migration has increased and become more complex as a result of globalization. The SDC aims to make the most of the positive aspects of migration, while containing its negative implications. Migration can drive development if it is included in a controlled and targeted way in development strategies.