Modernization of Vocational Education and Training related to Agriculture in Georgia

Agricultural productivity and incomes are low in Georgia, which is largely due to obsolete knowledge and skills. The project contributes to introducing systemic changes in agriculture-related vocational education and extension services, increasing the role of private sector actors in planning and delivering vocational training. Rural youth, women and men, will thus be better trained and acquire more relevant skills; this will contribute to increasing their incomes and employment opportunities.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssicherheit
Beschäftigung & Wirtschaftsentwicklung
Landwirtschaftliche Dienstleistungen & Markt
Ländliche Entwicklung
01.09.2022 - 31.08.2025
CHF  4’378’000
Hintergrund Agriculture is the main source of income for rural residents in Georgia, representing 47% of population. However, its contribution to national GDP is only 7%. Low yields and profitability determine low incomes, resulting in higher poverty of rural areas (27.5% rural vs 17.1% urban poverty). Smallholder farmers, owning approximately 1 hectare of land, represent the majority of agricultural community. Their skills do not match with modern production practices and the market demand, which brings down their productivity, competitiveness and incomes. The Georgian Government is trying to improve the vocational training system and is open for increased public-private collaboration. With the support of previous phases of the SDC financed project, since 2013 the Government elaborated a progressive Law on Vocational Education and Training (VET), established the Vocational Skills Agency (VSA), introduced modular and work based learning modalities, updated curricula and teaching materials in agricultural VET, created public agricultural extension network, and increased capacities of several agri-VET colleges and extension centers. In the proposed exit phase, the project will consolidate achieved results, further enhance the effectiveness of public-private collaboration through VSA, and increase the capacities of VET teachers, colleges and extension centers. A particular focus will be made on the sustainability of VSA/AgroDuo through contributions of public and private stakeholders, as well as on the inclusiveness of VET to ensure that benefits reach out to vulnerable groups, such as rural youth, women and language minorities.
Ziele Rural youth, women and men in Georgia improve agricultural knowledge and skills (by accessing modernized vocational education and extension services), which contributes to increasing their productivity, incomes and employment.

1)    Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and their agencies related to agri-VET and extension

2)    Vocational Skills Agency

3)    Sectoral Skills Organization AgroDuo and the private entities represented in it

4)    Public and private VET colleges, Agricultural Information-Consultation Centers and extension providers

5)    Rural youth, women and language minorities with improved skills, productivity and income

Mittelfristige Wirkungen

Outcome 1)    Quality of agricultural VET and extension services in Georgia is enhanced due to effective cooperation of public and private stakeholders.

Outcome 2)    Rural youth, women and men learn and apply relevant agricultural knowledge and skills, which are responding to the market needs.


Erwartete Resultate:  

1)    A-VET public and private stakeholders trained and standards and programs elaborated to effectively collaborate through SSOs / AgroDuo and deliver high quality services;

2)    Capacities/qualification of A-VET institutions, teachers and extension officers enhanced through collaboration of A-VET stakeholders;

3)    Digitalisation of the system enhanced to increase A-VET accessibility for users, effectiveness of public-private collaboration and quality of training/advisory services;

4)    A-VET graduate students acquire applicable skills;

5)    Recipients of extension services get applicable knowledge in new technologies;

6)    Satisfaction with modernized A-VET system is increased among trainees and employers.

Resultate von früheren Phasen:  

-    Vocational skills development system was strengthened by supporting the elaboration of relevant policy documents (VET Law (2018), the Skills Development Strategy 2021-2025 and the corresponding by-laws).

-    Work-based learning was institutionalized and capacities of 16 VET providers were enhanced to obtain authorization in line with the VET law.

-    Vocational Skills Agency was established for actively engaging the private sector in skills development.

-    The first Sectoral Skills Organization (AgroDuo) was created for representing the private agricultural sector in VSA.

-    Work-based learning was introduced as a modality for enhancing the effectiveness of skills development.

-    Digital platform was created for increasing farmers’ access to agricultural extension services.

-    16’200 farmers (30% female) received advanced extension service.

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNO)
  • Ausländischer Privatsektor Norden
  • Entwicklungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen

Andere Partner
Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

SDC-financed Rural SME Development, Local Economic Development, ALCP2, Women’s Economic Empowerment.

The Project will also closely liaise with the donors of the VET system development (EU Delegation to Georgia, ADB, USAID) and their project implementers (GIZ, KFW/PEM, FAO). Overall coordination of the VET system development will be led by the thematic working group on Human Capital Development, which is chaired by the Prime Minister’s Administration. Switzerland co-chaires the working group in 2022.

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    4’378’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    3’913’227
Projektphasen Phase 3 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2025   (Laufende Phase) Phase 2 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2022   (Completed) Phase 1 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2018   (Completed)