Schweizerische Botschaft auf Zypern

Schweizerische Botschaft in Nikosia
Schweizerische Botschaft in Nikosia © EDA

Die Botschaft als offizielle Vertretung der Schweiz deckt mit ihren Aktivitäten alle Themenbereiche der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Regierungen ab. Sie vertritt die Schweizer Interessen in den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Rechtsordnung, Wissenschaft, Bildung und Kultur.

Aufgaben der Botschaft

Cyprus Swiss Business Circle

Cyprus Swiss Business Circle
Cyprus Swiss Business Circle © CSBC

With the active support of the Embassy, the Cyprus Swiss Business Circle (CSBC) has been established within the Cyprus Swiss Association. The Circle aims on the one hand, at enhancing economic and trade relations between Cyprus and Switzerland/Liechtenstein and on the other hand, at organising relevant bilateral meetings and events through all possible ways that could promote mutual cooperation among the respective authorities and business communities of the countries.

The Circle complements the informal contact group regularly invited by the Embassy, bringing together economic actors in Cyprus in relation with Switzerland. Membership of the Circle is mainly ensured by corporate members of the Association, who have notable and distinguished presence in the business world.

To become a member or for any question, please contact

CSBC's last event

On 17 September 2024, Christian Lyk, CEO of KENDRIS Ltd., a Zurich-based international advisory and fiduciary services firm, gave a presentation on ‘Privacy vs Transparency’, explaining to the full auditorium at the University of Cyprus how to protect privacy and promote openness in the financial sector. The event was co-organised by the Cyprus Swiss Business Circle and the University of Cyprus's Faculty of Economics and Management and was supported by the Embassy.

Busverbindungen: Cyprus Public Transport Buses in Nikosia - Nr. 115 und 119

115: Lakatamia Hall - Solomos Square

119: Ouranou - Konstantinoupoleos - Solomos Square



Ein Gruss des Botschafters, der Botschafterin

Schweiz und Zypern

Schweizer Diplomatie und Engagement in Bereich Bildung, Kultur und Wirtschaft


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Lokale und internationale Nachrichten und Veranstaltungen

Büro Schweizer Beitrag Nikosia

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