Schweizerische Botschaft in Georgien

Political unrest in Georgia

Since the parliamentary elections on 26 October 2024 and especially since 28 November 2024, the situation has been tense. Demonstrations are taking place in Tbilisi and other cities in the country, with partly violent clashes between demonstrators and the security forces. There are also reports of injuries and arrests. The risk of suddenly finding yourself in the middle of a violent confrontation cannot be ruled out.

Before and during your trip, stay informed about the current situation by monitoring the media, consulting with your tour operator or local contact person, and follow the instructions of local authorities. Avoid large gatherings and demonstrations of any kind.

For Swiss nationals: Please observe the travel advice issued by the FDFA and keep yourself informed about the current situation. We strongly recommend that you enter your contact and travel data in Travel Admin.

In an emergency, you can contact the helpline of the FDFA at any time: phone +41 800 24 7 365 or +41 58 465 33 33.

building with a flag
Swiss Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia Schweizerische Botschaft in Tiflis © EDA

Die Botschaft als offizielle Vertretung der Schweiz deckt mit ihren Aktivitäten alle Themenbereiche der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Regierungen ab. Sie vertritt die Schweizer Interessen in den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Rechtsordnung, Wissenschaft, Bildung und Kultur.

Aufgaben der Botschaft

Welcome Message

Ein Gruss des Botschafters, der Botschafterin


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