Bashki të Forta (BtF) - Strong Municipalities

The project aims at strengthening capacities of all 61 albanian municipalities (executive and councils) to assume their functions. Citizens will benefit from improved services based on standards and reliable data. A national performance based system of grants will contribute to improve municipal governance and will incentivise municipalities to perform better.

RegionCountry Topic Period Budget
Democratic participation and civil society
Public finance management
Public sector policy
01.08.2022 - 30.09.2026
CHF  14’481’000
  • Decentralisation made progress since 2015 (Territorial Administrative Reform (TAR) completed). More competences have been transferred to municipalities but funding is not duly covering services that lack standards
  • Municipal councils have an increasing role in decision making but still need to be strengthened to fully assume their functions
  • During Covid pandemics live streaming of councils meetings enhanced transparency
  • Data remains a challenge for improving governance in terms of evidence based decision-making
  • New national decentralisation strategy 2022-2030 (in preparation) will define municipal performance and standards of services as new working fields
Target Citizens in Albania benefit from improved governance and services at the municipal level, according to agreed minimum and affordable standards for a sustainable country system .
Target group

Indirect target groups: 100.000 children in pre-school age in Albania (75.2% F), whole population of Albania (2,8 millions inhabitants)

Direct target groups: municipal administration in 61 municipalities, 1’650 municipal councillors, (43% F), 100 staff from local, regional statics offices, staff from INSTAT; staff from Ministries of Interior, Finance and Economy, Tourism and Environment, Education, Sport and Youth, Standards, Agency for support of Local self-government, Associations of Local government (municipalities and regions), Albanian School of Public Administration.


Outcome 1: Municipal administrations fulfil their functions based on improved data in line with EU standards

Outcome 2: Municipal administrations improve service delivery (waste management and preschool) towards affordable standards

Outcome 3: Municipal councils oversee adequately the performance of municipal administration and engage in evidenced based decision-making

Outcome 4: A new municipal performance management system and a performance based grant (PBG) mechanism is in place


Expected Results:  

  • Extended data and indicators are available for municipalities and regions; Key elements of a population and household register are in place which feeds in decisions of municipalities and better service delivery to the citizens
  • Solid management systems at municipal level for waste and for preschool are implemented at the municipal level based on agreed minimum standards
  • Councillors are better prepared to monitor the municipality and effective communication channels are established between citizens and councils
  • The information to the citizens on the quality of the service delivered is now based on national standards for early education and reliable information
  • A national performance based Grants scheme for municipalities is in place which will allow equitable distribution of financial resources in the country and reward municipalities engaging in an efficient service delivery to the citizens

Results from previous phase:  

  • Data at regional level are now available which allows municipalities to deliver services based on reliable information for the benefit of citizens
  • Recollection of waste increased for 31% of the population and the performance of the service is discussed with municipal councils and citizens
  • The quality of early education improved as standards have been established and their performance is monitored through reliable information
  • The accountability of municipalities toward citizens is improving as the municipal councils are assuming better their oversight role on the municipal administration and then improved their outreach to citizens
  • In this sense, first reports on performance of local governments improves transparency and communication between councils and citizens and set up the base for the development of a country system

Agency SDC
Project Partners Contract Partner
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
Foreign state institution
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Central State of South East
  • HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
  • Foreign private sector North
  • Swiss Private Sector
  • Federal Office of Statistics (FSO) and Albanian National office of Statistics (INSTAT) for SASLTAT (Outcome 1); Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation for BtF/HSI (Outcomes 2, 3, 4)

Projects Coordination

SDC/SECO projects in the governance sector (Local Finance, STAR, LNOB) and other domains (waste management, health)

EU projects, Swedish Embassy 

Budget Current Phase Swiss Budget CHF    14’481’000 Swiss Disbursement Till Know CHF    7’338’570 Total Project Since First Phase Swiss Budget CHF   12’717’601 Budget Inclusive Project Partner CHF   24’900’000
Project Phases Phase 2 01.08.2022 - 30.09.2026   (Current Phase) Phase 1 01.06.2017 - 31.12.2023   (Completed)