IOM – Community-based Housing for Displaced Families in Syria

Projekt abgeschlossen

Most IDPs in Syrian government-held areas are “self-settled”, i.e. seek shelter through informal arrangements with host families or in ad-hoc local agreements. This causes problems with host communities. Public services get overstretched and livelihood competition increases. The project provides more viable housing for IDPs in government areas, while ensuring common access to public services and improved livelihood opportunities for IDPs and hosts, thus contributing to community resilience.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Humanitäre Hilfe & DRR
Materielle Nothilfe
Wiederaufbau und Wiedereingliederung
Trinkwasser und Siedlungshygiene (WASH) (bis 2016)
01.12.2015 - 31.08.2017
CHF  1’195’069

Humanitarian needs in Syria have increased exponentially since the beginning of the crisis. Today, 12.21 million persons are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance, including 7.6 million IDPs. Water availability has decreased to less than 50 percent of pre-crisis levels, and 11.6 million people are in urgent need of access to clean water and sanitation. 1.2 million Houses are damaged and 83% of Syria’s locations lack electricity. More than half of Syria’s hospitals have been destroyed or badly damaged. 25 percent of schools have been damaged or destroyed, are used as improvised collective shelters, or misused for other purposes. The coping mechanisms of both, IDPs and host communities are being exhausted. 7.6 million Syrians displaced by the war are still living as IDPs inside the country, while around 4.2 have taken refuge outside the country. Roughly half of the IDPs are living in mostly urban areas controlled by governmental forces, and the other half in prevailingly rural areas held by opposition forces.


To contribute to building resilience of IDPs and host communities in Syria through providing transitional housing, and joint access to temporary job opportunities and basic services.


The primary target group is comprised of 5’750 individuals from the most vulnerable IDP populations living in self-settled camps (13%) and their host communities (87%), with a special focus on female-headed households.

Mittelfristige Wirkungen
  1. An alternative and efficient housing solution for IDPs is provided.
  2. Implementation capacity of stakeholders with regards to CCCM, humanitarian principles and protection is strengthened.
  3. Vulnerable IDP households are provided with lifesaving and life sustaining shelter support and related communal facilities.
  4. Social cohesion between IDPs and host community is increased.

Erwartete Resultate:  

1.1 Implementing partners (IPs) are selected and partnerships are built.

2.1 Stakeholders and their technical capacities are mapped.

2.2 Technical capacity of involved stakeholders is built.

3.1 A coordination mechanism at local level, including committees, is in place to organize the transitional shelters.

3.2 120 skilled and semi-skilled workers are provided with temporary job opportunities.

3.3 150 IDP HHs are provided with housing units.

4.1 Temporary employment opportunities for community members are identified.

4.2 Further community-driven emergency employment activities are implemented through creation of 300 temporary employment opportunities and 50% of them are transformed into long-term jobs.

4.3 Communal facilities (education and health) are operational.

4.4 Psychosocial assistance, with a special focus on protection needs of women and children, is provided.

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Kreditbereich Humanitäre Hilfe
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Andere internationale Organisation
  • International Organisation for Migration

Andere Partner

Syrian none governmental organizations (NGOs), line ministries, municipalities and UN agencies (UNICEF, UNHCR and UNDP).

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

The project is in line with the UN Syria Strategic Response Plan (SRP) 2015 an is implemented in coordination with UNHCR and UNDP as well as the Early Recovery and Livelihood sector and Shelter sector in Syria.

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    1’195’069 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    1’191’527 Projekttotal seit Anfangsphase Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF   1’100’000

Phase 1 01.12.2015 - 31.08.2017   (Completed)