Exhibition - Of Barriers and Distances

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Saturday, 27.07.2024 – Saturday, 27.07.2024

Of Barriers and Distances curated by Parvez that will bring together Copa and Sordes (Birgit Krueger and Eric Schmutz Krueger), Mimi Von Moos, Muda Mathis and Sus Zwick from Switzerland and Birender Yadav, Tufan Pramanik, Richa Arya, Abdulla PA, Amjum Rizve from India. 

The project encompasses an intense, two weeks long residency that brings together five Swiss and five Indian artists to reflect upon the theme ‘Of Barriers and Distances’ and its meaning in today’s world, through their own works and art practice. The project is conceptualized and curated by Parvez, an artist and curator of Indian origin, currently based in Switzerland. The Residency at Dotwalk Ajitara Art Residency is imagined as a space for reflection, questioning and connecting.  This will be followed by a public discourse and a month long exhibition showing the works of the resident artists to reflect further upon the central theme, at Gallery Dotwalk. 

More information on www.gallerydotwalk.com

Location: Gurugram