Useful Links

Official Bodies

Higher Education

  • Swissuniversities - Swissuniversities serves as the common voice of the Swiss universities and promotes cooperation and coordination among the universities and between the various types of universities.
  • Movetia - Movetia is the Swiss agency for exchange and mobility. It funds and supports exchange and mobility projects as well as activities in education and training, both in Switzerland and abroad.
  • - Educa is the official platform on education in Switzerland for cantonal and national institutions.
  • University Rankings - This website provides an overview of international and Swiss university rankings.
  • Study Programmes in Switzerland - This is a search engine for degrees and courses of study offered by Swiss universities.
  • Studying in Switzerland - This is an online brochure with information about Swiss universities, degree programs and facts and figures about the higher education landscape.
  • Higher Education and Research in Switzerland - This booklet provides an overview of the high-quality tertiary education opportunities in Switzerland.
