Within the second phase of the Project “Strengthening the Oversight Function and Transparency of the Parliament”, supported by the Swiss government and implemented by UNDP, the Law Faculty of the Belgrade University published a unique monograph ‘Nomotechnics and Legal Reasoning’. The Monograph introduces readers with the legislative drafting technique. It is one of the most important skills needed for establishing an efficient, accountable and transparent public administration.
The monograph is the very first publication of such kind in the Republic of Serbia. It serves as a useful guide for all professionals and practitioners from the legislative branch, members of the Parliament, civil servants at all levels of public administration, legal experts, academic community and civil society representatives.
The same Project supported the Law Faculty in 2017 in creating and holding a series of lectures, through a university course in legislative drafting. The course aims at creating new academic generations skilled in drafting and amending laws.
The course gathered more than 130 civil servants and law students. It became part of the regular curricula at the Law Faculty. The course in legislative drafting was organized for the representatives of local assemblies and self-government administrations in three regions (South Serbia, Central Serbia and Vojvodina).
The project “Strengthening the Oversight Function and Transparency of the Parliament” is in the second phase of implementation and will last until 2019. The Swiss Government supported this project with 1.7 million Euros, with the aim of strengthening the advocacy role of MPs on behalf of Serbian citizens, reinforcing Parliament's supervisory role and enhancing a stronger execution of the existing oversight mechanisms.