Committee dual Vocational Education Training (DC dVET) and specific thematic support in Switzerland (FoBBIZ)

Project completed

The dual vocational education training (VET) system has long tradition in German-speaking countries, contributing to employment and income. Thus, its adaptation in development contexts is often complex and challenging. By fostering networks between donor agencies working on dual VET and tapping into the experience of the Swiss VET-community, the exchange of best practices and usage of synergies will improve VET projects in partner countries and lead to a better international positioning of the dual VET approaches.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Vocational training
Vocational training
01.12.2017 - 30.11.2021
CHF  1’530’000
Background After the economic crises and increased youth unemployment, VET is again gainig on importance in development cooperation. Specifically the dual system of the germano-phone countries is seen to contribute  con-siderably to better employment and income. In order to better position the dual approach in the international dialogue and to improve VET programs, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland will join forces.Within Switzerland, a forum on Vocational education and international collaboration (FoBBIZ) has been established linking practitioners from the Swiss VET system and the ones working on the topic in inter-national cooperation.
Objectives Knowledge and expertise on adapted and contextualized dual VET approaches in international development cooperation are improved at a national and international level. A common understanding of dual VET in development cooperation forms the basis for influencing international policy and coordinated actions on partner country level, as well as for leveraging Swiss expertise therein. Both lead to more and better VSD interventions which ultimately contribute to individual, social and economic development, and therefore to poverty reduction.
Target groups

Direct: practioners from donor headquarters, field offices, and its implementers,  advisors, consultants, as well as Swiss VET experts active in international cooperation.

Indirect: Vocational Training providiers and participants in partnern countries, ministries involved in VET, private sector in partner countries.

Medium-term outcomes
  • Outcome 1 on international level (DCdVET): The institutionalized collaboration, coordination and exchange between DCdVET’s members and their target groups lead to increased thematic expertise and a common understanding on dual VET in development cooperation.
  • Outcome 2 on national level (FOBBIZ): Swiss expertise is strengthened and VET experience within Switzerland are mobilized and used for VET provision in partner countries. Connecting of actors of the Swiss and international VET scene helps to (i) make better use of Swiss VET expertise abroad and (ii) find solutions and build capacity for VET systems challenges through active exchange between experts. 

Expected results:  

  • Strategic actors in the international donor community are aware of the advantages and limits of dual VET in development cooperation
  • Collaboration and sharing of experience between the members of DCdVET and its projects are increased at institutional, regional or partner country level.
  • The DCdVET members and its projects utilize the thematic guidance, best practice and advisory services of the DCdVET in their operations.
  • The FoBBIZ is positioned as a forum for exchange of knowledge and identification of Swiss VET expertise in international cooperation. It organizes thematic events (min 3 per year) and a price award for innovative VET projects (1 every second year).

Results from previous phases:   The FoBBIZ started its work as a knowledge exchange and network platform among Swiss VET experts through its events.The DC dVET was successfully launched and started its activities and sharing of expertise. It laid the basis for a knowledge hub on Dual Vocational Training in the development context and started exchange between member representations and projects in Western Balkans and Westafrica.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
Private sector
Foreign state institution
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • International Labor Organization
  • National State Institute North
  • Swiss Private Sector
  • Swisscontact

Coordination with other projects and actors By creating linkages between projects and VET actors, DC dVET and FoBBIZ foster the knowledge exchange, strengthen expertise and common understanding on dual VET and thus create synergies. This knowledge exchange will also nurture the SDC employment and income network.  
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    1’530’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    1’482’306
Project phases Phase 3 01.12.2021 - 31.12.2026   (Current phase)

Phase 2 01.12.2017 - 30.11.2021   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.10.2013 - 31.12.2018   (Completed)