The overarching objective of Switzerland's international cooperation is to achieve global sustainable development while eradicating poverty. ODA-funded research must be guided by the long-term goals and priorities defined in Switzerland's International Cooperation Strategy.
Legal basis and research principles
Legal basis for research
The promotion of scientific research as a component of development cooperation is governed by the Federal Act on International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid and the applicable implementing ordinance. The Eastern Europe Cooperation Act provides the legal basis for research in the context of cooperation with Eastern Europe.
Principles governing research in the context of international cooperation
- Ensuring research is in line with the SDC's long-term strategic goals.
- Promoting research programmes focusing on practical implementation and problem-solving.
- Focusing on communicating, disseminating and implementing research results.
- Engaging in research partnerships, taking the '11 Principles for Research in Partnership' adopted by the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) as a frame of reference.
- Prioritising projects on the basis of demonstrable scientific excellence and relevance to development.
- Ensuring that freedom of research is respected in terms of the topics and methods chosen.
- Applying the principle of competition in allocating funds and selecting strategic research partners.
- Where possible, ensuring the open access availability of results from ODA-funded research.
- Where appropriate and expedient, ensuring that the SDC cooperates with other donors and coordinates its research support at national and international level.