Donor Commitee for dual Vocational Education and Training (DCdVET) and specific thematic support in Switzerland

The dual vocational education training (VET) system has a long tradition in German-speaking countries, contributing to employment and income. Its adaptation in development contexts is often complex and challenging. By fostering networks between donor agencies on dual VET and by tapping into the experience of VET-communities, an exchange of best practices and synergies is realized that will improve VET projects and systems in partner countries and lead to a better international positioning of dual VET approaches.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Vocational training
Vocational training
01.12.2021 - 31.12.2026
CHF  2’831’840
Background Vocational education and training has gained importance and recognition as an instrument of international development cooperation. The Austrian Development Agency, the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development, SDC and the Liechtenstein Development Service responded to the growing interest in dual VET in 2015 by creating the Donor Committee for Dual VET. The four members of the donor committee pursue the common goal of supporting the integration of dual approaches in partner countries and raising public awareness. Within Switzerland, the Swiss Forum for Skills Development and International Cooperation (FoBBIZ) links practicioners from the Swiss VET system and the ones working on the topic in international cooperation. Switzerland has a clear value added in dual VET and also an interest in co-financing these two knowledge platforms as they provide a good opportunity to better position the dual approach at the international level, promote the definition of a common approach, improve coordination and the development of thematic expertise, share experiences and thus strengthen the political dialogue in our partner countries and improving our interventions.
Objectives More effective dual vocational education training offers and systems in partner countries.
Target groups

For the DCdVET:

Direct/active: Donors, implementing partners, NGOs and other strategically central actors. Capacity development of system actors in partner countries, incl. ministries, vocational agencies and schools, local private sector, etc.

Indirect/passive: System actors in member and partner countries, and interested members of the public. Including also multilateral organizations, development banks and private sector in partner countries.

For the FoBBIZ:

Swiss stakeholders, organizations and experts interested and involved in international cooperation in VET.

Medium-term outcomes

DCdVET (international level):

Outcome 1: The institutionalized exchange and collaboration among DCdVET‘s members and their target groups lead to increased expertise regarding dual VET and policy influencing.

Outcome 2: The documented experience is used synergistically for project implementation and in the international dialog on VET.

FoBBIZ (national level):

Outcome 1: Visibility & reach of FoBBIZ as a forum for vocational education is increased.

Outcome 2: Increased dialogue and broader professional understanding of VET stakeholders in Swiss and international VET.


Expected results:  


Outreach to broader target groups is increased and capacity building is enhanced regarding numbers and channels, incl. on- and offline modalities.

Target groups can draw on specific case studies, policy briefs and contextualized tools in form of guidelines etc.

On demand, specific dual VET expertise is made accessible.


Improved visibility, reach and continuity of action by building a FoBBIZ 2.0 community.

Increased diversity of stakeholder groups and an intensified engagement of them through open peer formats.

Identified, consolidated and disseminated insights and innovations.

Results from previous phases:  

The DCdVET has succeeded in positioning itself as a knowledge hub and a center of excellence for dual VET in international cooperation. It contributes significantly to a better understanding of the competing VET approaches. It plays a key role in the cooperation of members in specific countries and regions. The organization of experience sharing and webinars as well as the provision of technical expertise is appreciated.

Communication and awareness within the structures of member organizations and their partners, as well as presence in international dialog, are in need of improvement. The SDC is appreciated as the lead donor.

The FoBBIZ has successfully established itself as an independt paltform for Swiss stakeholders in international VET cooperation through numerous activities with different thematic focuses where actors had the opportunity to infrom themselves, learn and network.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
Private sector
Foreign state institution
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • National State Institute North
  • Swiss Private Sector
  • Swisscontact

Other partners

International: DCdVET secretariat managed by Swisscontact in form of a delegated cooperation with contributions from BMZ, ADA and the LED

In Switzerland: Swiss Forum for Skills Development and International Cooperation (FoBBIZ)

Coordination with other projects and actors

By creating linkages between projects and VET actors, DCdVET and FoBBIZ foster knowledge exchange, strengthen expertise and common understanding on dual VET and thus create synergies. This knowledge exchange will also nurture the SDC employment and income network.

DCdVET networks with a wide variety of partners including institutes, academia, training centers, government departments and ministries, bilateral and multilateral agencies, organized private sector and NGOs.

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    2’831’840 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    1’485’516 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   2’960’429 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   4’801’269
Project phases Phase 3 01.12.2021 - 31.12.2026   (Current phase) Phase 2 01.12.2017 - 30.11.2021   (Completed) Phase 1 01.10.2013 - 31.12.2018   (Completed)