Press releases

Here you can find the last 12 media releases and other news published by the FDFA, such as statements, announcements and articles, in chronological order.

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Object 25 – 36 of 3611

Ignazio Cassis receives Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg in Bern

23.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, head of the FDFA, received Austrian Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Alexander Schallenberg in Bern today. Their discussions focused on the close bilateral relations between the two countries, Switzerland's European policy, current international affairs and the security situation. Both ministers reaffirmed their joint commitment to promoting global peace.

Palestine's application for full membership of the United Nations

18.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
Palestine's application for full UN membership will not be submitted to the UN General Assembly due to the veto by the United States on 18 April in the UN Security Council. Switzerland abstained from the vote. After assessing the situation and consulting with the chairs of the parliamentary foreign affairs committees, the Federal Council concluded that granting Palestine full UN membership at this time would not be conducive to easing the situation and peace efforts in the Middle East. Switzerland remains committed to the two-state solution.

Switzerland strengthens humanitarian demining capacities in Ukraine

18.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
On 17–18 April, representatives from more than 50 countries and organisations gathered at an international workshop in Kyiv to discuss measures for identifying and clearing mines and unexploded ordnance in Ukraine. Good coordination of national activities and international support is crucial to ensure that this work can progress swiftly and effectively. The workshop was co-organised by the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD). Switzerland, whose delegation at the conference was led by Ambassador Simon Geissbühler, has a long history of supporting humanitarian demining through the GICHD and other organisations. Clearing the country of mines is a key prerequisite for Ukraine's recovery.

State Secretary Alexandre Fasel leads third strategic partnership dialogue between Switzerland and US

17.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
State Secretary Alexandre Fasel received a US delegation for political consultations in Bern on 17 April. The delegation was led by Assistant Secretary James O'Brien, who is in charge of European and Eurasian affairs at the US Department of State. On the agenda were the many ongoing or recently concluded bilateral negotiations, particularly in the area of taxation, which are concrete examples of the dynamism of bilateral relations.

Humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa: Switzerland increases aid for people in Sudan

15.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
At the international donors' conference on 15 April 2024 in Paris, Switzerland pledged CHF 19 million to mitigate the humanitarian consequences of the conflict in Sudan. As a result of the ongoing hostilities over the past year, the country is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian disasters of our time. To date, 8.6 million people have been displaced, and the country is on the brink of a devastating famine. From the beginning of the crisis, Switzerland has been actively engaged at multiple levels to help end the conflict and improve the situation on the ground.

IC Forum 2024: 1000 people come together in Basel to discuss the theme of peace

12.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
The third International Cooperation Forum (IC Forum) concluded today in Basel. Over 1,000 representatives from politics, business, science, and civil society gathered alongside President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd, FDFA head Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, and Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde to discuss the theme of peace promotion. Discussions centred on three core values: critical dialogue, trust, and innovation, all aimed at finding new pathways for tangible and sustainable progress. A highlight of the 2024 forum was the Swiss IC Awards, recognising innovative peace-building projects by Swiss companies.

Ignazio Cassis on official visit to Croatia

12.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis paid an official visit to Croatia today. He was received by his counterpart, Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman. The meeting focused on bilateral relations, Swiss–EU relations and the geopolitical context.

Switzerland at 2024 IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings and G20 Finance Ministers Meeting in Washington

11.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillors Karin Keller-Sutter and Guy Parmelin, together with Swiss National Bank Chairman Thomas Jordan, will attend the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in Washington from 17 to 19 April 2024. A meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, as well as a ministerial meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), will also take place as part of this gathering. In addition, the two Federal Councillors will take this opportunity to hold bilateral meetings.

Conflicts and crises lead to increase in ODA in 2023

11.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
In 2023, Switzerland's official development assistance (ODA) amounted to CHF 4.64 billion, equivalent to 0.60% of its gross national income (GNI), more than a quarter of which came from asylum-related costs in Switzerland. Excluding these asylum costs, the ODA/GNI ratio was 0.43%.

Federal Council to support recovery in Ukraine with CHF 5 billion by 2036

10.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
Switzerland has been providing humanitarian aid and supporting the economic development and longer-term reconstruction of Ukraine since the war broke out in February 2022. This support builds on the existing cooperation with the country and is to be intensified over the next twelve years, as decided by the Federal Council at its meeting of 10 April 2024. It plans to allocate a total of CHF 5 billion to this end by 2036. As a first step, around CHF 1.5 billion is to be drawn from the international cooperation budget by 2028. This amount clearly demonstrates Switzerland's solidarity with the people affected by the war in Ukraine and will increase stability on the European continent.

Federal Council renews its contribution to the Green Climate Fund

10.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
Switzerland will continue to support the Green Climate Fund (GCF) with a total contribution of CHF 135 million over the next four years. The Federal Council took this decision at its meeting on 10 April 2024. The GCF helps developing countries take concrete action to achieve the goals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. In particular, it funds initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change.

Switzerland to host high-level conference on peace at the Bürgenstock resort in June 2024

10.04.2024 — Press releases EDA
At its meeting on 10 April 2024, the Federal Council took note of the results of the exploratory phase of the high-level conference on peace in Ukraine. The conditions are now in place for the conference to be able to initiate a peace process. The first step is to develop a common understanding among the participating states with a view to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine. The conference is scheduled for June 2024 at the Bürgenstock resort in the canton of Nidwalden.

Object 25 – 36 of 3611

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Last update 19.07.2023

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