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Object 3697 – 3708 of 3719

2008 Statistics on the Swiss abroad

13.02.2009 — Press releases EDA
After the record increase of 23,097 persons in 2007, the number of Swiss living abroad increased by only 8,069 persons in 2008. The total is now 676,176. The community of the Swiss abroad has increased by 114,620 (20.4 %) over the last 10 years.

The FDFA appeals to all the conflicting parties in Sri Lanka to respect humanitarian law.

05.02.2009 — Press releases EDA
The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation prevailing in Sri Lanka. The disregard for humanitarian standards shown by combatants in the north of the country has resulted in many victims and seriously endangered some 200,000 civilians caught in the cross-fire. Following to this the FDFA makes an urgent call on all the parties to respect international humanitarian law and to stop the hostilities.

SDC Annual Media Conference: Switzerland is making its Contribution to the Mitigation of Global Crises

04.02.2009 — Press releases EDA
At its Annual Media Conference in Bern, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) provided details on its priority activities. The year 2009 promises to be one of enormous challenges, all the more so as the consequences of the financial, the food, and the climate crises particularly affect the populations of developing and transition countries. Thanks to the continuation of its reliable cooperation with partner countries in the South and in the East, Switzerland is doing its share to contribute to the mitigation of global crises.

Meetings of Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey at the World Economic Forum in Davos

31.01.2009 — Press releases EDA
During three days in Davos the Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey had several bilateral meetings with other Foreign Ministers as well as with Heads of State and Government. Mrs. Calmy-Rey also met with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, announced the launch of the “Global Governance Project” and addressed the Open Forum Davos on the subject of religion and human rights.

Official working visit to Bern by Chinese Prime Minister WEN Jiabao

29.01.2009 — Press releases EDA
President Hans-Rudolf Merz today received the Chinese Prime Minister WEN Jiabao on an official working visit. President Merz was joined in the discussions by Vice-President Doris Leuthard, Federal Councillor Pascal Couchepin, head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs and Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. A new bilateral investment protection agreement was signed during the meeting. Both parties also agreed on the preparation of a joint feasibility study on a future free trade agreement.

Switzerland provides emergency aid to Gaza

24.01.2009 — Press releases EDA
Yesterday, for the first time since the outbreak of the armed conflict on 27 December 2008, a team from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the FDFA succeeded in gaining access to Gaza. Overall, three teams have been deployed at present with the mission of initiating the delivery of Swiss emergency aid to Gaza.

Official working visit to Bern by Chinese Prime Minister WEN Jiabao

22.01.2009 — Press releases EDA
On 27 January, President Hans-Rudolf Merz will head a delegation to receive the Chinese Prime Minister, WEN Jiabao, on an official working visit to Bern. He will be accompanied by Vice-President Doris Leuthard, head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Federal Councillor Pascal Couchepin, head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs and Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

Conflict in the Gaza Strip

15.01.2009 — Press releases EDA
The FDFA condemns in the strongest terms the shelling by the Israeli army of the UNRWA headquarters and the Al-Quds Hospital, which is run by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in the Gaza Strip. A warehouse containing relief supplies of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society and a media centre were also hit during Thursday’s military operations.

Middle East Conflict: FDFA calls for impartial inquiry regarding the respect for International Humanitarian Law

09.01.2009 — Press releases EDA
The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) strongly deplores the disastrous humanitarian situation in Gaza. The FDFA welcomes the resolution adopted by the Security Council calling for an immediate end to hostilities in the Gaza Strip and appeals to all parties to respect this. The FDFA calls for an impartial inquiry into the way International Humanitarian Law is being respected. To help cope with the humanitarian emergency the FDFA has decided to allocate an additional SFr 3 million in funding for humanitarian aid organisations. Furthermore the Department is preparing to send an emergency humanitarian relief mission to Gaza.

Il Consigliere federale Moritz Leuenberger firma a Parigi la dichiarazione d'intenti per agevolare la collaborazione tra le autorità di vigilanza sulle ferrovie

08.01.2009 — Press releases EDA
Lunedì prossimo a Parigi il Consigliere federale Moritz Leuenberger e il Segre-tario di Stato francese Dominique Bussereau firmeranno una dichiarazione d'intenti in merito alla collaborazione tra i due organismi nazionali preposti alla sicurezza nel settore ferroviario. L'obiettivo è di ridurre gli ostacoli nel traffico ferroviario tra i due Paesi.

Object 3697 – 3708 of 3719

Media (3419)

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Last update 19.07.2023

  • FDFA Communication answers media queries Mondays to Fridays during office hours and operates a weekend emergency on-call service.


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3003 Bern

Phone (for journalists only):
+41 58 460 55 55

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+41 58 462 31 53

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