Bilateral relations Switzerland–Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)

Switzerland follows a One China policy. Switzerland does not recognize Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) as an independent state. Taiwan is nevertheless an important trading partner for Switzerland.

Key Aspects of Bilateral Relations

Switzerland does not recognize Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) as an independent state and therefore does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Cooperation with Taiwan at a technical level is nevertheless possible and desired.

Two private organizations support relations between Switzerland and Taiwan: for Switzerland, the Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI) and, for Taiwan, the Cultural and Economic Delegation in Switzerland. Although they do not have diplomatic status, these two organizations provide consular services.

Economic Relations

Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) is Switzerland's fifth biggest export market in Asia. Federal Customs Administration statistics show that Swiss exports to Taiwan consist mainly of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, watches, as well as precious metals and machinery. Imports into Switzerland are largely made up of computers, electronic equipment and bicycles.

Information on Countries, SECO

Swiss Nationals in Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)

At the end of 2022, there were 347 Swiss nationals living in Taiwan (Chinese Taipei).

History of Bilateral Relations

Since Switzerland recognized the People's Republic of China on 17 January 1950, it follows a One-China policy. Switzerland does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan (Chinese Taipei).

Taiwan (Chinese Taipei), Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (de, fr, it)

Last update 27.12.2024

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