Regionalization of the Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Services in Moldova

Projekt abgeschlossen

Despite improvement over the last years, the infant mortality rate in Moldova is still more than double compared to the European Union average. With this project Switzerland is pursuing the support to the Republic of Moldova aiming at increasing the efficiency of the pediatric emergency healthcare in Moldova. At the end of the project, all children aged 0-18 in Moldova will have access to high quality pediatric emergency services. In addition, awareness on how to prevent accidents and on the correct procedures in case of an emergency will be raised at the community level.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Stärkung der Gesundheitssysteme
Primäre Gesundheitsversorgung
01.11.2013 - 30.04.2018
CHF  9’320’000

Moldova continues to face a difficult socio-economic situation that negatively impacts the population’s health. The inequalities between districts’ healthcare infrastructure affect the quality of the health services at local level, while the precarious situation of the roads make it difficult to ensure the timely transportation in health emergency situations. Some avoidable deaths occurring in childhood (e.g. deaths due to respiratory or digestive diseases, deaths due to domestic and traffic accidents, trauma or poisoning) still persist. SDC interventions in Mother and Child Health (MCH) contributed to decreasing infant and children under5 years mortality rate. Despite the positive trend, these indicators still have some of the highest values among European states and external support is needed to sustain the reform development.


To increase the chances of survival of children in need of emergency medical services and the prevention of children accidents.


The direct beneficiaries of the project are the children under 5 years and of school age (6 -18), their families and communities, health professionals (physicians and nurses), hospital managers, other local staff working in the Moldovan hospitals and medical institutions, 5 intensive care units and 4 emergency departments of 5 hospitals (3 in Chisinau, 1 Balti, 1 Cahul), a number of 8-10 district hospitals, 3 regional pediatric ambulance services, GPs. The indirect beneficiaries are the general population of the Republic of Moldova.

Mittelfristige Wirkungen

Mothers, fathers, foster parents, other care givers and communities have improved the supervision of their children, prevent both domestic and traffic accidents and know how and when to use appropriate emergency services. Children in need have improved access to effective and efficient pre-hospital care in case of an emergency. Regionalized pediatric hospital care is available and accessible to Moldovan children in all three regions (North, Centre, and South). A responsive health system, with improved national policies and regulations regarding all levels of pediatric care.


Resultate von früheren Phasen:  

Children under 5 year mortality rate has decreased from 14‰ in 2007 to 12.1‰ in 2012. All three regional centres are equipped, medical teams trained and the system is able to provide nondiscriminatory and high quality medical care for all children aged 0-18 in the entire country. The regulation on regionalization of the pediatric medical services has been developed. More work will be necessary to achieve the optimal functionality of this concept all over the country.

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Kreditbereich Ostzusammenarbeit
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Internationale oder ausländische NGO
  • The Centre for Health Policies and Services (Bucharest, Romania) and its local office in Chisinau, Moldova

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    9’320’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    8’997’375

Phase 3 01.11.2013 - 30.04.2018   (Completed)