South Sudan, Mercy Corps: Back to farming, Nhialdu

Projekt abgeschlossen

The Bentiu PoC was established in December 2013 with currently over 120’000 people living in the site At the beginning, people mainly came to the PoC seeking protection from violence, but since mid-2015 people’s main reason is to receive food due the chronic food insecurity situation in the area created by the conflict. The situation shows prospects for response and recovery interventions outside the Bentiu PoC.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssicherheit
Humanitäre Hilfe & DRR
Landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Wiederaufbau und Wiedereingliederung
16.05.2016 - 15.02.2017
CHF  360’000

Since December 2013, the population in the Nhialdu Payam catchment area did not benefit from permanent humanitarian presence. For security reasons, people on the other hand could not cultivate There is a high risk of missing another cultivation season, for lack of agricultural inputs, while the number of exits from the Bentiu PoC site is increasing because of households’ preference to return home or resettle with the intention to cultivate.


Increase food production, preservation and dietary diversity, and re-establish a humanitarian presence in Nhialdu Payam.


1’000 vulnerable households.

Mittelfristige Wirkungen
  • Light-Base Camp in Nhialdu functional.
  • Food production re-established.
  • Retention of part of the cultivated produce.
  • New preservation methods and cooking methods introduced.

Erwartete Resultate:  

  • Humanitarian Partners have established static presence in Nhialdu.
  • Households have received seeds and farming tools and started farming, using traditional and innovative techniques.
  • Households have increased their access to food in terms of diversity and quality.
  • The Nhialdu Community has established a preparedness plan to ensure seeds availability for the next planting cycle

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Kreditbereich Humanitäre Hilfe
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Internationale oder ausländische NGO
  • Andere internationale oder ausländische NGO Norden

Andere Partner

IRC, DRC, Concern Worldwide (potential static partners)

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

IOM (LBC), UNICEF (Mercy Corps WASH project), WFP (food distribution)

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    360’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    275’308 Projekttotal seit Anfangsphase Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF   360’000

Phase 1 16.05.2016 - 15.02.2017   (Completed)